Valencia is today a symbol of change. Its leap to modernity has been achieved without betraying its roots and has managed to become one of the most desirable tourist destinations. The design and the first-class cultural facilities go hand in hand with the sun, the sea and the good food of always.
The Oceanogràfic deserves a complete visit. Its 110,000 m2 make it the largest in Europe. In it we can enjoy the main marine ecosystems of the planet and 45,000 copies of 500 different species. Here we can see dolphins, walruses, sea lions, seals, penguins, sharks, rays, sawfish or jellyfish. Its design – large and without visual barriers – is truly spectacular.
From the most modern to the classic
The cathedral, popularly known as La Seu. The temple is dedicated to Santa Maria by desire of King Jaime I and stands on the remains of the old mosque. Its three main doors are of different styles (Romanesque, Gothic and Baroque) and its octagonal bell tower. The Miguelete is the emblem of the city. It rises to a height of 50.85 meters, as measured by its perimeter. From his interior we can not miss the Quattrocento paintings, which arrived from Rome thanks to the Valencian Pope Alejandro VI.
In the Plaza de la Virgen, the Basilica of the Virgen de los Desamparados stand out, and very close by, the Royal Convent of Santo Domingo. This convent was built by the order of the Dominicans in the thirteenth century, with the approval of King James I. In the historic center of Valencia, it is possible to find other churches of interest, among which are those of Santa Catalina, San Nicolás and San Martin.