It is a cultural prodigy. City with an impressive monumental legacy, was the birthplace of countless philosophers, doctors, mystics and poets. To get lost in its corners is to enter the time tunnel and cross the bridge between East and West.
The city, beyond its famous tourist attractions, invites you to simply walk through its streets and see the spectacle of its whitewashed houses, full of flowers, pots and vegetation everywhere; an authentic spectacle of a garden city.
The undisputed jewel of the city, the Mosque, considered the most important monument of all the Islamic West and one of the most amazing in the world. Its construction began in the year 780, where the Visigothic church of San Vicente was located, and it was extended several times until, in the year 987, it acquired its current dimensions.
The most disastrous reform of all its history was carried out in the sixteenth century, under the reign of Charles V, when part of the expansion works of Abderramán II and Almanzor were eliminated (not without controversy) to build the Christian cathedral.
In its history, the complete evolution of the Umayyad style in Spain is summarized, as well as the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque styles of Christian construction. We can spend hours walking through it and as soon as we seem to be in a huge mosque, as inside a bright cathedral.